My First Blog!

I’ve been meaning to do this for over two years now, but as they say, better late than never! Here’s my first attempt at blogging!

This blog is about the sheer difficulty of getting a reasonable blog going. I tried Wordpress, Jekyll, developing my own site from scratch, and now I’m back to Jekyll.

I’m aesthetically challenged (LOL) so I’ve always had trouble with front end development. But I literally had to jump through hoops to get the basic site infrastructure going. So apparently HTML/CSS/JQUERY doesn’t cut it nowadays. I’ve had to sit through shit like SASS, Coffeescript, Typescript and a whole bunch of other nonsense. I wasted nearly a week and got nowhere.

I started off learning AngularJS. It seems to implement MVC on the client side, and has an extremely steep learning curve (something about scope digest). But what really ticked me off, is that there’s an Angular 4 now, written in a whole new language called Typescript. Ain’t nobody got time for that! (btw, are they even going to support Angular 1.X now?)

Next I tried React.js (what with me interning at Facebook and all :P). React was much easier and more intuitive. But then I realized why I hated front end development in the first place. I couldn’t get a reasonably okay looking homepage going for the life of me. Aesthetically challenged indeed.

Anyways, I’m back to Jekyll now. I cloned a friend’s repository and scrapped as much as I could. And here we have it, my first blog. I hope there’s more to follow!!!